Static Events
Static events are:
Design Event: which consists in the presentation of the completed project of the car. The goal of this event is to judge design choices and efforts and how they are able to meet the market needs. But it also judges the capability of answering to the questions from the judges during the inspection of each car. The vehicle must be presented totally assembled and ready to compete. It is awarded by a jury made by experts from the automotive world divided in ten panels. The score to gain with this challenge is 150 points (on the 1,000 total available). The valuation is based on the classic categories: suspension, chassis and engine but it is also considered the team management model and few points are addressed to the vehicle appearance and to the creativity and innovation of the project. The moment of the finals is very important. After the judges inspection in the boxes, three teams from class 1C and three from class 1E are selected to take part in the finals, which is the moment where are publicly presented the best cars and judges have the chance to observe and compare them. -
Business Event: which consists in a simulation of the presentation of their project by each team in front of potential sponsors. The goal of this event is to value the ability of teams in the developing of a business case. It is awarded by experts from the automotive world, not only engineers but also marketing and business managers. The valuation is based on subject, organization and explanation of the project but also on the ability in answering to the judges’ questions. The score to gain is 75 points (on the 1,000 total available). -
Cost Event: To know more about the new rules of the Cost Event, please take a look to the Information & Rules 2024