
-1878Days -13Hours -58Minutes -59Seconds
-49Days -13Hours -58Minutes -59Seconds
Formula SAE Italy 2025 10/09/2025 - 14/09/2025
Ticket Type Price (VAT incl.) Spaces
Class 1CV
Net Price 1.688,52 - Gross Price 2.060,00
€2.060,00 N/A
Class 1DV
Net Price 1.688,52 - Gross Price 2.060,00
€2.060,00 N/A
Class 1EV
Net Price 1.688,52 - Gross Price 2.060,00
€2.060,00 N/A
Class 3
Net Price 1.239,65 - Gross Price 1.512,37
€1.512,37 N/A

Participating in CV + DV or EV + DV

University Information

Faculty Advisor Information

Team Leader Information

The invoice will be issued to

Payment method:

Bank transfer to: ANFIA Service Srl
Bank name: BPER Banca – Turin Branch - Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 48/F - Torino – Italy - IBAN n.: IT07T0538701002000038545602 – Swift code: BPMOIT22. Please indicate on the bank transfer the following payment descriptions: Team name and University name. Payment must be received in full. ALL bank transfer charges must be covered by the payer.


Registered teams that find that they will not be able to attend the competition are requested to officially withdraw by notifying the following by e-mail as explained in the rules.